Reading University Caving Club


Giant´s Hole round trip, January 2012 – RUCC

Here’s what some of us got up to back in January! Aside from a tight situation with Big Ben’s bum (don’t worry about him; he’s used to it), all went well. Thanks to John W’s keen sense of cinematography and the ingenious invention of the ‘camera on a stick’, we can now appreciate the whole experience in visual form from the comfort of our sofas.

For any viewers thinking “Gosh! I could never find the strength of mind and body to accomplish a feat such as this!” I feel obliged to inform you that Connor, our token American, left for this trip not half an hour after waking up with a truly superlative hangover. Having fallen prey to Martyn’s skittle vodka he so closely resembled a comatose giant that even falling off a top bunk in the middle of the night could not disturb his slumber. Eventually woken by the wafting aroma of bacon, he stumbled downstairs and in an unusually distinct East Coast accent announced


What are we to learn from this story? That bacon is a panacea for all ills? That caving is more fun than it looks? That mind-over-matter is the best way to deal with a hangover? Nay, the lesson here is … Look at those smiles!

Pub Golf Tonight

Golf Club photo

This evening (i.e. Monday 17th) we have the first major social of the term to look forwards to!

The theme is ‘Pub Golf’. This is a competition which is just like a classic game of golf, except that it has several important differences:

Firstly, it doesn’t involve any golf balls, clubs or holes (at least, not in the conventional sense…). And secondly as time passes, the scoring seems to become considerably less important… So in other words, it’s not like golf at all, but it’s still great fun! The basic idea is to go from pub to pub to see who can drink certain drinks in the lowest number of sips – the aim is to get below ‘par’. Full rules will be explained at the event itself.

So overall, this event promises to be great fun! Starting at the College Arms, Wokingham Road at 8:30pm, or alternatively you can meet us at the Palmer Building on Campus at 8pm. Look forwards to seeing you!

Note: Photo by kulicki. Released under CC BY 2.0.